how to check if someone is spying on your mobile
Different users have their own requirement for using any application. For finding any good application which make our task to be done quickly. Users usually uses play store for downloading any application. Now days there are many third party play store which are used to download applications. Such third party stores do not check for any malicious application. According to ethical hacking researcher of international institute of cyber security you can even notice many apps revolving around third party stores. When installing any application, many times users forget to check the permissions.
Downloading application from third party stores can cause damage to your mobile. Such application can capture your photos from your mobile front camera. We will show you some methods to detect spy applications.
Checking RAM Status :-
Several times you may encounter unusual behavior of your mobile. Your mobile might consuming resources of RAM. Which may slow down your mobile performance. While installing, Users don’t check for permission what application is asking for. Always check for permission. Now days many companies offer inbuilt applications for checking usage of memory. Memory Statistics or Memory Notification Bar which helps android user to know utilization of memory.
Checking Running Services :-
- Nowadays mobiles are coming with latest android version or with most recent versions. For example -We are using Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with Android 7.0 Nougat (Non-Rooted) which comes with an option to check for permissions.
- From Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Google has hide the feature of running applications or services. But in Android 6.0 running services can be shown through Developer options. For enabling Developer options. Go to Settings < About Phone < Baseband Version, or you will find with Mobile Manufacturer Name.
- In Xiaomi Miui Verison. Click simultanously to enable Developer Version. Then go to Developer Version < Running Services.
- There you will see all the running services.
- In running services you will find all applications & services which can be stopped by clicking on particular application.
- In Android 7.0 Nougat you cannot see running applications/ services but you can disable data usage of mobile Data & Wifi usage.
- If any unusual behavior is found. You can uninstall any recent application which you have installed. In some cases, malware’s are so hard coded that applications shows internal system error.
- For example — Below you can see the internal application which can’t be uninstalled.
Disable Mobile Data & Wifi Usage :-
Checking For Application Permissions :-
- For changing permission of any application. In Android 6.0 Go to Settings < Application Manager < Click on any Application < Permissions.
- There you can manage permission for any application. For example — Below you can see permission which have granted by the user.
- Above you can see permission of application.
- In Android 7.0 Nougat, For changing permission go to Settings < Permissions < Permissions
- Click on any permission, Here you will see list of applications with granted permission.
- For checking system apps permissions. Open any app permission. Then Click on Image Button on the right side. For showing System Applications.
Uninstalling Apps Through ADB :-
- In Some Cases if the malicious application is still not uninstalling using above methods. You can uninstall it through adb.
- For using adb. You need to download & install adb installer. Follow this link for configuring & using adb shell.
- For testing we will use Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with Android 7.0 Nougat Non-Rooted.
- For uninstalling any application you need to know the application package name. For knowing application package name. Download app :
- Open Package Names. Find the app name you want to uninstall. Remember its application package name.
- Connect your mobile with computer. Open CMD as administrator. type adb uninstall <application package name > adb uninstall com.adobe.reader
Usage of Third-Party Stores :-
- As per ethical hacking researcher of International Institute of cyber Security(iiCyberSecurity), there are many third party stores which are used to download applications. Many users download applications from third party stores.
- You can also find many paid applications for free on such third party stores. Using such third party stores can cause to mobile devices.
- Below you can see third party stores. These might show paid applications free but such applications also come spywares.
Check Process Stats :-
- Above shows the list of procstats usage of applications. We have opened the first stat file in Winhex editor. Download Editor :
- For opening the stat file. You need to change the permission. For changing permission type chmod 777 stats-2019–07–29–10–44–42.bin
- Copy stats-2019–07–29–10–44–42.bin /storage/emulated/0/Downloads
- Copy the file into your computer. Open stats-2019–07–29–10–44–42.bin in Winhex.
Checking Battery Stats :-
- Above screenshot shows android services which are running in the device. From here information can be gathered that on what application are spending time. The above editor only shows the application package names.
- You can find main apps by searching application package name on the internet.
Originally published at on August 6, 2019.